Program description

The Raport 2 main window is divided into the following sections:

main form

Commands are grouped in categories. Most menu items have their equivalents in the form of buttons on the toolbar. Some commands are available as buttons located directly on the form, next to the edit fields related to them.

A list of menu commands:

  1. File:
  2. Transmitter:
  3. Settings:
  4. Help:


Toolbar buttons allow easy access to the most frequently used commands:

Transmitter searchruns a tool searching for transmitters connected to a PC
Read configurationreads all parameters of a previously identified (searched) transmitter
Write configurationwrites all parameters into a previously identified (searched) transmitter
Import configurationreads selected transmitter parameters from file
Export configurationsaves selected transmitter parameters to file
Generate reportgenerates a transmitter parameters report
Settingssettings of serial port, communication protocol, etc.


Available operations are grouped and placed on tabs according to their functionality. After reading the device configuration, the program displays only those tabs that a given device supports.

Basic - available for all devices:

IdentificationParameters identifying a transmitter
DescriptionParameters related to a transmitter description
Process variablesReading and visualization in the form of process variables chart (e.g. current, pressure, temperature)
Basic parametersBasic transmitter parameters (i.e. adjusted range, unit)
Basic functionsSet of functions that allow transmitter parameters configuration
Device-dependent - availability dependent on a connected device:
Transmitter parametersAdditional parameters. Restores factory settings
Li-24/Hart / APT-2000ALWTemperature transmitter settings
LCDTransmitter LCS display settings
LinearizationConfiguration of user characteristics
Input linearizationConfiguration of input user characteristics
Output linearizationConfiguration of output user characteristics
Write lockSets a lock on user-made changes of transmitter settings
Transmitter statusDisplays detailed transmitter status
Material dataInformation on applied accessories, connections, etc.

Parameter area

It displays transmitter parameters depending on a selected operation.

Change of an edited field value will alter the field colour into yellow.
If the inserted value is incorrect, it will be highlighted in red.
At the same time, a parameter change flag (2.) will be placed on a status bar.

Status bar

The status bar is located at the bottom of the program window; it displays key information about the status of the program and a connected temperature transmitter.

The status bar is divided into sections: